Watch Saw 6 Now

Posted by Posted by datzme On 12:26 AM

One thing is for sure, every time I have gone to a Saw showing in my local theater, it has always been full. So at least the producers know they have a solid fan base to continue the Saw series for a few years yet.

Saw 6 is a terrific movie and has one of the best twist since saw 1. i have seen this movie and i loved every second of it. not just for the gore but the story is awesome to. As for me. Saw 6 is a great film ever and as a fan, I have enjoyed watching it for it's another film that has made me shaking. A lot of flashbacks took up valuable movie time with scenes we all should b familiar with already. Althoug I have seen no big twist but to rate it, overall I'll give8/10.

My only view regarding this film is that this was great and Ill be adding it in my favortie saw movie, ommitting Saw2 on it. I don;t know why i hated 2, maybe because I wasn't contented of the scenes.

Speaking of the previous entries, despite how good of a film SAW 6 is, the others are certainly a required watch before going into it. While the film doesn’t crash between time lines, it does constantly reference things and characters that have been peppered throughout the franchise, so one needs to be at least passingly familiar with them to avoid total sensory overload.
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