Watch New Moon "Twilight Saga" - In Theaters Soon

Posted by Posted by datzme On 12:32 AM

The highly anticipated film and much awaited Twilight Saga will come in theaters this November. With an outbreaking scenes and plots that will surely make us all excited about it. Surely, theaters will be filled out. Despite of hearing a lot of feedbacks that this movie isn't great than expected but let's just wait and see. Do you think this will overcome the record of the number one box office movie Paranormal Activity?

Here's an overview of the story:

After Bella recovers from the vampire attack that almost claimed her life, she looks to celebrate her birthday with Edward and his family. However, a minor accident during the festivities results in Bella's blood being shed, a sight that proves too intense for the Cullens, who decide to leave the town of Forks, Washington for Bella and Edward's sake. Initially heartbroken, Bella finds a form of comfort in reckless living, as well as an even-closer friendship with Jacob Black.

When Edward leaves Bella, her hole world is turned upside down. With Bella's heart broken, she turns to Jacob (Jake) her best friend to fill the void that was left by Edward. As Bella spends more time with Jake, she learns that there's more than vampires in the town of Forks.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Posted on August 16, 2021 at 7:09 AM


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